Ambito Famiglia Salesiana

Ambito Famiglia Salesiana

jueves, 17 de enero de 2019

Differenza fra multiculturalità e interculturalità

C'è qualche differenza fra educazione multiculturale ed educazione interculturale?

Risposta (Pasquale e Franca)

I due termini apparentemente sono uguali e spesso nel linguaggio comune li scambiamo, in realtà tra i due concetti passa la stessa differenza che c'è tra leggere un libro di avventura e viverla, l'avventura, in prima persona.

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2018

IN “Protecting the Whole of Creation: A Service That the Bishop of Rome Is Called to Carry Out.”

“Protecting the Whole of Creation:
A Service That the Bishop of Rome Is Called to Carry Out.”

We are invited to reread the Encyclical Laudato Si’ and to allow ourselves to be touched by the spirituality of ecology pervading it so as to transform our spiritual and sacramental life which cannot but take into account all Creation.  Because the Holy Spirit is at work in every element in the Universe, it fills the entire cosmos with the Glory and the Energy of God and animates our hearts always to seek the good, the just, and beauty.  The Holy Spirit urges us on to take an active and creative part in Creation and to become aware of our co-responsibility in caring for our common home.  For this reason, we share with you this reflection on the Encyclical.  We know that there have been many things written on this topic.  Still, it seemed important for us to share with you how throughout all Pope Francis’ magisterium the theme of ecology is always present and that the Encyclical is but the culmination of his wish.